Monday, January 24, 2011

I am so excited about life again

I had the surgery in December, the doctor was a God send. He took control, was so sympathetic and contacted a general surgeon to assist and well, I am smiling again.

My bowels were attached to my abdominal wall, due to adhesion's and a few other things they found and fixed. I am so thankful that a doctor finally listened to me and treated me like a person with a heart and soul instead of just a number or a problem. I can not begin to tell you the number of good doctors I went to all over Alabama and Georgia that just dismissed me and told me I would have to live with this pain. I would not accept that because the problems and pain I had in September of 2009 before the very 1st surgery were like a stroll in the park and I so could of lived with that, but this pain that has been created due to everything I had gone through over the past year and a half and 4 surgeries, was unbearable and there was no way I could live with it, not to mention my blood pressure, I have always had very low to normal blood pressure but because of the extreme pain I was in, my blood pressure was high and the considered putting me on BP med. I told the doctors if they could just fix my pain, my blood pressure would go down and guess what...... It has and I can see a resemblance of myself again.

Thank you for all the kind words and prayers. I am so thankful to God that he has carried me through this nightmare!

I will continue to update periodically and again, I want to truly thank all my friends and family that have stood by me through this and the new friends I have made. You all are TRULY AWESOME!!

1 comment:

  1. My wife suffers from ORS. Please forward your doctor's info to me ASAP you can email the info to

    Thank you in advance!
